How to Create a Facebook Business Page [Step-by-Step Guide]
Last Updated: February 3, 2023
Facebook is the 21st-century necessary evil.
You’ve heard it all – it’s good for you, it’s bad for you.
But do you know what it’s actually extremely useful for?
Your business.
But how to create a Facebook business page? Isn’t it too complicated? Is it even worth it?
Trust me, it is.
Don’t believe me? Just watch:
- 58% of American citizens have Facebook accounts.
- Around 80 million small- and medium-sized businesses are on Facebook.
- 49% of the people in the US follow at least one brand page on Facebook.
- 44% of users admit that Facebook influences their buying decisions.
- 70% of marketers attract new customers via Facebook.
- 54% of marketers claim that Facebook is the best platform for B2B marketing.
- 98% of B2C businesses have Facebook pages.
Bet you didn’t expect those numbers.
Now that we’ve established that you absolutely need to be on Facebook (if you want your business to be successful, that is), let’s get down to the important part.
How to create a Facebook business page.
I understand why it might seem scary and complicated. But I promise you, it isn’t.
Take my hand and let me lead you through the magical land of Facebook. I have the tips for the Facebook business page of your dreams.
The Basic
They say the scariest part is the beginning. And I get that. Doing something for the first time can make anyone anxious.
So let’s do this setting-up-Facebook-for-business thing step by step.
1. Creating the page
To create a Facebook business page, you need to have a personal account. When you create the page from there, that account becomes the page’s admin. And we’ll go into detail about page roles later.
You can choose a way to start:
- Visit
- Click on the “Create” button in the upper-right corner
You will be presented with two options – create a “business or brand” page or one about a “community or public figure.” For our purpose, we’ll go with a business or brand page.
2. Choosing page name and category
After you choose, you’ll be asked to fill out your page name and category.
Just like with domain names, you need to choose your Facebook business page name wisely. Keep it simple and, if possible, short. In the best-case scenario, it should also be self-explanatory. That means being specific. Also, avoid changing it once you’ve decided on a page name. Sometimes rebranding is needed and necessary, especially if you have ruined your business’s reputation, but that’s more the exception to the rule. Besides, if you want to change the name, you have to send a request to Facebook. You can’t do it on your own.
Choose a username too. It will make sharing your page link easier. It will also help people find your page. Keeping it short is the key here. Don’t go overboard with something like Instead, is enough.
Okay. We’ve got the name, we’ve got the username. Now what?
Now you have to choose a category. Facebook allows you to choose up to three. You add them manually. Write down those most fitting for your business – this will make your page easier to find by your audience.
Now we can proceed to the design side of things.
Facebook Page Design
Your Facebook business page design is more important than most people realize. It’s going to be the “face” your brand shows to every Facebook user. It needs to be catchy and engaging to attract your audience.
Let’s start with the profile photo.
3. Choosing a profile photo
Facebook will let you upload a photo from your computer to use as a profile picture.
As of 2019, the perfect profile photo size for Facebook is 360 x 360 pixels. The minimum size is 180 x 180 pixels. Don’t opt for a smaller picture, as it will ruin the quality.
Using your logo for profile pic works best. If you don’t want to use the logo itself, make sure it’s present somewhere in the picture. Your logo is the first thing people see when you market your business and easily the most distinguishable part of it.
Just think of Coca-Cola, what’s the first thing that comes to mind? Its logo, of course, which by the way is the most recognizable logo in the world.
4. Choosing your cover photo
The next step after you’ve chosen your profile photo is choosing a cover photo.
The dimensions for a cover photo are 820 pixels in width x 312 pixels in height. It’s important to note that those are the dimensions for desktop. For mobile, cover photos should be 640 pixels wide x 360 pixels tall.
Make sure your cover photo is relevant to your business. Using your brand colors is recommended. Another good idea is to align the objects in your cover photo to the right. That way you’re drawing attention to your call-to-action button. It also balances out the design of your Facebook business page (as they aren’t the same as personal profiles).
If you don’t have a graphic designer to help you, don’t despair! Online design software such as Visme, Canva, BeFunky, and Fotor is of great help. They have templates with the necessary dimensions, as well as a lot of fun and easy ways to edit or create graphics.
5. Templates and tabs
The Facebook page template determines how your page is going to look.
Click on Settings, which you’ll find in the upper right corner of your page. Then, choose “Templates and tabs” from the menu on the left.
This option lets you configure the different sections of your page. To make it easier for you, it has templates for different types of businesses.
Click on the Edit button next to Current template and choose one of the following:
- Films
- Business
- Venues
- Non-profit
- Politicians
- Services
- Restaurants and cafes
- Shopping
- Video page
- Standart
When it comes to tabs, you can either choose the default ones or rearrange them to your taste.
Next up is filling out your page info.
Page Information
After you’ve made sure your Facebook page looks attractive enough, it’s time to fill out the information for it.
6. Complete your page information
Click on Settings. Then, go to Page Info.
Adding this information is vital for your Facebook company page. It’s what people will mostly look for. It applies for websites, so don’t think it won’t apply for your Facebook business page as well.
Add an active phone number, which they can dial directly from your page. If your business has a physical office, store or cafe/restaurant/etc, add the address too. An official email address is also important. Basically, add any means of information your present and future clients might need to contact you.
Be mindful of the description of your page. You don’t want it to be too long. Keeping it within the word limit – 155 characters – works best. Be precise and accurate. People don’t like unnecessary ramblings.
7. Add a call-to-action button
Facebook has a customizable button as an option for your page. It is located in the upper right corner, next to the Like, Share and Follow buttons.
Once you click on Add a Button, it opens a pop-up page with options.
You can choose from 5 categories:
- Book
- Contact
- Learn More
- Shop
- Download
Each of them has subcategories with options. Most of those need you to fill out the full information about your page, so don’t skip steps!
Sorting Out the Page Roles
The time has come to discuss page roles.
You don’t need to do everything on your own. We live in a very hectic age and any form of help is appreciated. Thankfully, Facebook’s got your back. Managing a Facebook business page will be easier if you have a team to help you.
8. Assign page roles
Again, click on Settings. Once the page has loaded, choose Page roles.
Let’s talk about what roles can you choose from. We have:
- Admin – the one that has complete control over the page. By default, that’s the person that created the page.
- Editor – can edit the page, create posts and ads, and answer messages. They can also see who created a post or comment, post from Instagram to Facebook, and view insights.
- Moderator – can send messages, respond to and delete comments, create ads, see who created a post or comment, and view insights.
- Advertiser – as suggested by the name, the advertiser can create ads, see who has created a post, or written a comment and view insights.
- Analyst – they have the most limited access, they can only see which admin created a post or wrote a comment and view Insights for the page.
Depending on how much work there needs to be done, you can create a small team and manage the page together.
Okay. So you did create a Facebook business page. You filled out the information needed, took care of the design, and assigned roles to your team.
Now what?
Posting and Promoting
What your page is missing right now is content.
It is time to create your first post!
9. Creating your first post
WordPress’s default first post is “Hello, world!” Facebook gives you a bit more freedom.
You can start by writing a status update, publishing a link, photo, or video at the best time possible.
It’s best if you create 3 to 5 posts before promoting your page.
Think about it. Would you follow and like an empty page or one with just one status, saying “Hi!”?
No, you won’t. You wouldn’t share it with your friends, either.
People are visual creatures. If you’re not sure what to share – go with either a photo or a video. Users will very rarely read a block of text that doesn’t have any images. And videos are the clear winner in the marketing world.
Once you have your posts ready, you can share your page with your friends. The more friend referrals your company page gets, the more profit you’ll turn. Statistics show that 92% of people would buy something upon referral from people they know.
10. Promoting your page
Facebook would prompt you to invite friends to like your page in the very beginning.
However, I really don’t recommend doing this right away. This is why I put this step as the final one.
If you start promoting your page before you followed all of the steps listed above, chances are you’ll get nowhere. Maybe you’ll get a like or two from your closest friends or family members.
But that’s not what we’re aiming at here, is it?
So take care of all the details, the design, and the content first. If we’re doing marketing, we have to have something to advertise.
After you do that, you can invite your Facebook friends to like your page. Of course, we’re aiming high. The idea is to reach people that are not on your friend list.
Well, there are a few ways to do this.
The first and simplest one is to ask your friends to share your page with their friends and hope for the best.
However, I don’t believe in just hoping for the best. I believe in action. Given that you’ve read so far, so do you.
If you have a newsletter, make sure to link to your new Facebook page. Chances are, if people have already subscribed to your newsletter, they’ll like your page too.
If you have a website, add a Facebook plugin there. You can mention your Facebook page name in the bio of every other business-related social media account that you have.
I also recommend using Facebook’s Page likes ads. Go to your Facebook page, and click on Promote.
Then click on Promote your page. A window will open.
You have absolute freedom to customize the way the ad looks.
Choose an image and text to be displayed. After that, choose your audience.
You can define it based on location, age, gender, interests, or behaviors. You can also exclude people from your target group, based on the same types of criteria.
Choose your ad budget and ad duration wisely. A wider target audience means a bigger budget and generally – somewhat lower conversion rate than with more narrowly-defined audiences. Longer duration means more money spent – usually reserved for audiences that are proven to convert into clients well. Think things through before estimating a daily budget.
After you finish adding up the necessary info, click “Promote.”
Promote your page offline, too, if possible. If you have flyers, you can print the Facebook page name on them. Some stores or cafes even put stickers with their Facebook page name on their windows.
Don’t underestimate the power of word of mouth. Mention your page to your clients or acquaintances. It might sound outdated, but it works miracles.
Wrap Up
In the beginning, you clicked on this article, wondering how to create a Facebook business page.
It seemed like a tedious and complicated task.
Now, after reading this step-by-step tutorial, you’re absolutely ready to embrace the journey.
Go on! Create your page. Choose a fitting name and category. Upload your profile and cover photos. Select the right template for your business. Fill out your information. Add a call-to-action button. Assign page roles to your team. Publish a few posts and then promote your page.
And that’s it! That’s the art of how to create a Facebook business page!
Good job, everybody. Can’t wait to see what you’ve created!
See ya next time!