Effective Tips for a Feng Shui Living Room


A harmonious living room is essential for a healthy and happy home. The living room is one of the most important spaces in the house, as it’s where we come to relax after a long day.

In this article, we will discuss how to create an effective feng shui living room using simple tips and tricks. Whether you’re looking to create a warm and inviting space or a prosperous and wealth-attracting one, we’ve got you covered.

Why Is the Living Room Important According to Feng Shui?

The living room is one of the most important spaces in your home, as it’s where you come to relax and recharge. It’s also a space that should be designed for functionality and purpose, rather than just aesthetics. It’s likely to be one of the first rooms to greet you upon entering and therefore sets the emotional and energetic tone of your home.

In feng shui, the living room layout is very important and is associated with relationships – both personal and professional. It’s the place where we entertain guests and spend time with our loved ones. When it comes to the living room, the main goal of feng shui is to create a space that encourages positive energy flow and supports harmonious relationships.

DID YOU KNOW: Feng shui is an ancient Chinese art, dating back to the Han dynasty, in 200 BC. It attempts to create a balance between the natural world and our interior spaces, using energy forces to create harmony between an individual and their environment.

Feng Shui Living Room Tips

When it comes to feng shui layout and decorations for the living room, there are a few simple things you can do to improve the energy flow in the space.

Following are some tips that have to do with the living room’s colors, paintings, and furniture arrangement you might find useful in setting up your living room according to Feng Shui’s rules:

Feng Shui Colors for the Living Room

According to this ancient philosophy, choosing the colors for your living room is a very important step. Not only do colors set the atmosphere, they also represent the five elements of feng shui – wood, fire, earth, metal, and water – and they possess the ability to influence the energy in space.

In accordance with feng shui, the following are the best living room colors:

  • Wood

Green, brown, and blue are all colors that represent wood. These colors promote growth, abundance, and new beginnings.

  • Fire

Red, orange, and yellow are all warm colors that represent fire. They stand for passion, power, and courage.

  • Earth

Pink, purple, and white are all colors that represent the earth. These colors symbolize stability, fertility, and good luck.

  • Metal

Gray, black, and white are all colors that represent metal. These colors promote clarity, neutrality, and balance.

  • Water

Blue, black, and green are all colors that represent water. These colors symbolize calmness, stillness, and relaxation.

When choosing colors for your living room, it’s important to consider the five elements of feng shui and to think about what properties you want to promote in your space. If you’re looking to create a warm scope, then using earth tones like pink, purple, and a beige is a good option. If you’re looking to create a living room that will attract prosperity, then using colors like gold or green may be a better choice. No matter what color scheme you choose, make sure the hues work well together and don’t clash.

Feng Shui Plant Arrangement for the Living Room

Another important element to consider when arranging your living room plant. According to the rules of feng shui, learning how to arrange plants in the living room is crucial, because plants represent growth and life force energy. They can also help to purify the air and promote a sense of calmness.

When choosing plants for your living room, it’s important to select ones that thrive in indoor environments and are easy to care for, which doesn’t necessarily mean that they have to be expensive. Some good beginner-friendly houseplants are money plants, bamboo, ficus, and peace lily. If you’re not sure which plant to choose, consider signing up for a plant subscription box.

Plants Placement

Placing plants in a certain position in your living room can help to create a more harmonious space. For example, the southeast corner, relating to fire, is associated with wealth and fortune. Putting plants in the southeast corner of your living room, according to feng shui, will allow their wood element to nourish the fire element and offer you more opportunities to succeed in your life. If you’re looking to create a more relaxing living room instead, try placing your plants in the west or northwest corner of the room.

Keep in mind that the earth element is associated with the northeast and southwest corners of the living room, and the plants might destroy it. Therefore, it’s not a good idea to put large plants that produce a lot of wood energy in these areas since they will disbalance the five forces.

Feng Shui Paintings for the Living Room

Another one of the feng shui living room ideas you can consider is using paintings and artwork. Artwork can represent different aspects of your life and can help to promote positive energy flow. When choosing artwork for your living room, it’s important to select artwork based on the elements and energetic frequency it represents.

The Principle of Balance

When hanging artwork, it’s important to keep the principle of balance in mind. You don’t want to hang too many paintings in one area or make the space feel cluttered. It’s also important to make sure the paintings are hung at eye level so that you can appreciate them fully.

Paintings Placement

When thinking about arranging your living room following the feng shui rules, it’s important to consider the energy flow of the room and display your paintings in a way that promotes good energy flow.

For example, if you want to create more wealth and abundance, then hanging paintings with money or prosperity themes on the east or southeast wall is a good idea.

If you’re looking to create a more relaxing living room, then hanging paintings with images of nature on the west or northwest wall is a good option. Ultimately, it’s up to you to decide what works best for your space.

DID YOU KNOW: There are also some rules of feng shui for decorating your living room with lines. Straight lines are considered unlucky or negative because bad energy travels in a straight line. Uplifting energy is believed to travel in curved paths, where circles represent equilibrium and nature’s cycle.

Feng Shui Pictures for the Living Room

You can apply the feng shui philosophy even when you decorate your home. First, you need to decide which aspects of life are important to you, and then hang your pictures accordingly:

  • A room’s northern wall is associated with one’s career. Here, hang photos of fish, the sea, or other water-related subjects, as well as your own reminders of achievement.
  • The eastern region rules family and health, so images of healthy plants or portraits and photographs of family members would be good options according to the principles of feng shui that apply to a living room.
  • The wall that faces south is the focal point of the room, so it’s an ideal location for displaying any honors or plaques you’ve earned.
  • Choose pictures of children or a unique work of art for your west wall since this space is concerned with children and creativity.

Another thing to keep in mind is what your pictures’ colors represent. For example, if you want a more relaxing living room, choose pictures with soft, muted colors, but if you wish to add energy to the atmosphere, it is better to choose pictures with vibrant colors.

Mirrors in the Living Room According to Feng Shui

Placing a mirror in your living room is yet another way to create a feng shui atmosphere. Mirrors represent water energy and can help promote positive energy flow. Mirrors are thought to double the number of people in a room, making gatherings seem more festive. However, if your visitors are negative, they can amplify bad energy, so choose well what people you invite.

Mirror Placement

When placing mirrors in your living room, it’s important to consider their position carefully. You shouldn’t place mirrors directly opposite of each other as this can create a sense of imbalance. Feng shui experts also advise against hanging them above your sofa as heavy objects don’t promote feelings of safety and security – something feng shui in the living room should be all about. You can consider hanging them opposite beautiful views, so the reflection contributes to your living room’s positive vibes.

Mirror Size

The size of the mirror is also very important. You want to choose a mirror that is in proportion with the space. A good rule of thumb is to choose a mirror that is two-thirds the size of the wall it’s hanging on. To ensure that your mirror catches your aura, pick a mirror size that shows your entire head, shoulders, and chest line, at least.

What is the Best Place for Your TV in the Living Room

When it comes to TV placement in the living room following the feng shui rules, there are a few things you need to keep in mind. Make sure that the TV is not the focal point of the room. You want people to be looking at and interacting with each other, not only watching TV.

You should also consider how much space you have for your TV. If you’re short on space, then mounting your TV on the wall may be a good option. If you have plenty of space, then placing your TV on a shelf or cabinet may be a better choice.

Feng Shui Living Room Furniture Placement

If you’re following feng shui furniture placement rules for your living room, there are several important things to keep in mind. The first thing is that furniture should be arranged in a way that promotes good circulation and allows for easy movement around the space. You don’t want to block pathways or create areas where people feel uncomfortable or constricted. Another thing to consider when arranging furniture is the “power position.” The power position is an area of the room where you want to place items that represent power and authority. A good option for the power position is near the entrance of the room.

Some other things to keep in mind when arranging your furniture are:

  • According to feng shui living room rules concerning the couch placement, you should make sure it is positioned against a solid wall, in the so-called commanding position
  • Chairs should be positioned around the coffee table in a way that promotes conversation
  • Furniture should not be allowed to touch the walls of your room to create a sense of flow
DID YOU KNOW: Before you get started moving or purchasing living room furniture, figure out how you’ll use the space. Think about whether your living room will be used mostly for entertainment or leisure activities. Once you understand the room’s function, you can select the type and number of furniture pieces you need.

Feng Shui Wealth Area in the Living Room

The wealth area is called “Xun” in Chinese and has to do with your finances, as well as prosperity of all types. It also symbolizes self-worth, which is strongly linked to material wealth. To find the wealth area of your home, stand at the front door of your house facing in and look for the far left corner.

Once you’ve located it, you can start thinking about how to arrange it. The color purple has long been associated with wealth and abundance, so placing something purple (even a crystal you’ve received from a subscription) here would stimulate financial prosperity. Other things you can put in your feng shui wealth area are a painting, a cushion, or some other decor that fits your living room. Just make sure to not keep items that represent debt or loss there, such as scissors and knives.

Key Takeaways

The main goal of feng shui is to create a space that encourages positive energy flow and harmony.
You should choose your living room’s colors according to the five feng shui elements they represent – wood, fire, earth, metal, and water.
Putting a mirror in your living room can encourage positive energy flow, as it represents water energy.
You can enhance your room’s wealth area by placing plants, cushions, crystals, or a diffuser with essential oils.

Feng Shui Living Room Do’s and Don’ts

When setting your living room atmosphere according to feng shui principles, there are a few do’s and don’ts to keep in mind:


  • Choose your living room colors according to the kind of energy you want to create in the space
  • Place plants in the room to promote a positive energy flow
  • Place paintings and artwork in the room that represent what you want to achieve in life
  • Use mirrors to create a sense of balance and harmony
  • In your living room’s wealth area, try to incorporate objects that are associated with wealth and prosperity
  • Arrange your living room furniture in a manner that allows a free flow of movement


  • Don’t place too much furniture in your feng shui living room as this can block pathways and create a sense of disbalance in the room’s layout
  • Make sure your TV isn’t the focal point of your living room
  • Don’t hang mirrors over the sofa
  • Don’t use bright colors in the wealth corner of your living room as this could attract unwanted attention
  • Avoid negative images in the artwork you choose 
DID YOU KNOW: Your living room should be bright and airy, with windows that allow sunlight to stream in. If you don’t have windows, consider using light layering techniques to illuminate dark corners and shadows, or add a mirror, as it can help to reflect light and make the area seem more spacious.

Wrap Up

By following these tips, you can create a feng shui living room that is both effective and harmonious according to the feng shui principles. Keep in mind the importance of balance, colors, and placement when it comes to furniture, plants, paintings, mirrors, and other accessories. Finally, make sure to avoid any negative energy by avoiding blockages and keeping pathways clear.


I've loved writing since I can remember, and back in high school, I started loving psychology as well. So I majored in it while dabbling in spirituality and yoga on the side.

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