Password Ideas [Suggestions to Prevent Cyber Attacks]
Last Updated: February 2, 2023
Remembering passwords can be more difficult than ever, now that we find ourselves having to create a secret code for everything. Many times, we just resort to simple passwords to make it easy to remember them. However, this increases the chances of getting hacked!
In this article, we will discuss some password ideas that you can use to prevent hacking and the different ways in which passwords get hacked.
How Do Passwords Get Hacked?
Below are some of the most common ways that passwords get taken over. Understanding these can protect you from falling victim to any future attempts with your found knowledge!
Phishing is one of the easiest and most used tactics by hackers. It involves sending mail with a fraudulent link, as malware is downloaded once the recipient clicks on it. This malware can easily lead to password hacking, as many also download keyboard paths.
Phishing emails have evolved over time; you will not get mail from a random person telling you that you’ve been chosen as an age-old property heir! Hackers often send emails using the names of reputed companies or individuals instead.
The easiest way to prevent yourself from phishing is not to fall victim to fake emails, or worse, not to type in your password on fraudulent websites. You can install an antivirus to protect your device.
Social Engineering
Just like phishing, social engineering works by tricking you into giving your password over. Even if you use one of the best passwords ever, this method can trick you! With social engineering, hackers will usually call and pretend to help you with tech problems. These scammers will openly ask about your password!
We know, it sounds like something that only happens in movies, but you’d be surprised to know that many big companies have experienced data breaches through this!
The best way to protect yourself from this type of attack is by not giving any passwords to someone you don’t know, no matter how reliable they look. A genuine tech person will never ask you for your password. You should also engage in changing your password frequently.
Brute Force Attack
As the name suggests, hackers may try to force their way into your device; most do this by using various combinations to guess the right password. Hackers spend a lot of time doing this, naturally, as they have to make many guess attempts.
A good way to prevent this type of attack is to not use proper words or sequential letters in your passwords.
Dictionary Attack
Dictionary attacks are similar to brute force attacks but do not involve guesswork. Using this method, hackers get ideas for passwords by running through all the words in the dictionary, as well as combinations, with the help of a software or IT resource. This takes more time than a brute force attack, but as you can see, hackers have time to wait patiently until they figure out the code.
Just like a brute force attack, the easiest way to protect yourself from this is to not use proper words in your passwords.
We mentioned it earlier, but malware is software that is installed on your device with or without your knowledge. Many hackers disguise malware in phishing sites. Once installed, the software records keyword typing and takes screenshots. The hackers are able to access accounts easily once they receive and analyze this data.
Good antivirus software can protect you from malware attacks.
Shoulder Surfing
While you may think that this method of hacking is rare, it is not. Many hackers disguise themselves to enter the company and look at people’s phones while they type their passwords. This helps them crack the uncrackable.
This type of hack can easily be prevented by looking over your shoulder while typing your password!
DID YOU KNOW? Hackers often reveal passwords on the dark web. It is important that you are aware of the dark and deep web to prevent this from happening to you. |
Password Ideas to Prevent Attacks
Password requirements for each company vary, but basic requirements include a combination of words, lowercase and uppercase letters, numbers, and special symbols. These usually change from time to time to prevent unauthorized access, though. It is important to know a company’s password requirements, especially if you have created a profile on their platform.
Facebook password requirements include having a password with at least 8 characters; this password should be a mix of upper and lower case letters, numbers, and symbols. In addition, it should not include your name, date of birth, email, or any bank account information. An example of a good password is something like ‘DiSisMi-Fbook78_p@ssworD’.
Another commonly used app is Instagram. Instagram password requirements are pretty similar; your password must be more than 6 characters, and it should include special cases, numbers, and both kinds of letters. This code cannot be something simple like “qwerty”, and you’re not allowed to use a password that you’ve used before. Instagram also encourages the use of two-factor authentication.
Now that we have discussed two of the most popular companies and their requirements, here are some other important tips to choose the right password so you can avoid scams and get hacked.
Avoid Sequential Letters/Numbers
Sequential numbers and letters are some of the most commonly used types of passwords. Some examples include 123456, 654321, qwerty, abcde, and qwerty@1234. They are prone to be hacked because of their simplicity! You should avoid using them, and instead create complicated passwords to strengthen the security of your account.
Avoid Using Memorable Keyword Paths
Memorable keyword paths are similar to sequential numbers or letters. The most common one is “qwerty” followed by “password123”. You should avoid using these commonly known phrases, and instead focus on forming clever passwords. Spending 5 minutes thinking about your password can save you from getting hacked!
Use the Passphrase Method (But Use Weird Words)
A passphrase is a combination of random words or phrases to create a unique password. While you may think that choosing random words or quotes is easy, we humans love patterns. Chances are, the phrase used by you will not be so random. There are many websites that run an algorithm to choose random characters for you, creating good password ideas. You can increase the complexity by adding numbers, upper case letters, or symbols in between. For example, ‘FaitH4-bElgi@n5-ROAD1-loSs8’ works well; It has four random words along with special cases and numbers.
Use Your Keyboard
Really take a look at your keyboard; notice the various letters, numbers, and symbols it has on it. There are endless possibilities to create a strong password. A good tip is to use a random word and insert symbols or numbers in between to make it more complicated.
For example, ‘hUmaniTY)(Ch!!se>Rolle4_C0sT&R;’ is a great password. It may take some time for you to remember, but it will certainly prevent your account from getting hacked.
Sentence Method/Bruce Schneier Method
Laid out by security expert Bruce Schneier, this method involves using a sentence as a password. The added twist is that the sentence should not be simple; it needs to have abbreviations, numbers, letters, and more. However, our advice is not to use any personal information in your password to stay out of trouble. If done right, this method can create perfect passwords for you that are not easily compromised!
For example, ‘Oops, I forgot to bring cereal from the grocery store’ could be the sentence, and you could create a password ‘Oo,IFgot,TBC?frotGross!’ It may seem hard to compose at first, but after a couple of attempts you should get the hang of it.
Misspell Words on Purpose
Remember the dictionary attack? Hackers are often able to guess passwords with proper words as they are often weak. However, if you purposely misspell words, it becomes difficult for hackers to get in. Some suggested passwords include misspelling water as ‘whaterr’, or misspelling an entire sentence. For example, ‘Ilovechocolatesandwine’ could be written as ‘ILofEchokolate&Wiyne’.
Avoid Personal Information
Lastly, avoid using any of your personal details in passwords. Cybercriminals can easily guess your password if it includes your name or anything else that reveals something about you. Since it’s easy information to obtain, it’s so important not to use any personal information while creating a password. For example, if you were born in 1998 and your pet’s name is Oscar, you should avoid a basic password like Oscar@1998. You should also create separate passwords for multiple accounts.
DID YOU KNOW? Despite creating a strong password, many people fall victim to hacking. Good antivirus software must be installed to prevent this from happening. |
Key Takeaways
It is very important to create strong passwords to prevent hacking. Looking through password ideas can help in creating a secure code for you. |
There are many ways hackers can access your password. These include social engineering, phishing, dictionary attacks, and brute force attack. |
The consequences of a hacked account can lead to a leaked database, invasion of privacy, and theft. |
In order to create a strong password, you should avoid sequential numbers, personal information, using full words, or keyword paths. |
Instead, you can use the sentence or passphrase method, misspell words on purpose, or add a combination of special letters and numbers to your password. |
Should You Use Password Managers?
Password managers are a great way to ensure that your personal codes stay safe. Many antivirus software pieces come with a password manager feature; if something you have does not, you can install a password manager separately. Here are a few benefits of using one:
Only Need to Remember One Password
Browsing through a password ideas list is time-consuming, especially if you’re trying to create separate passwords for multiple accounts. A password manager allows you to store all your passwords so that you only have to remember the main code to the manager.
Lets You Log in Automatically
Although it is not recommended to store your details on a website, saving your information on an offline password manager is completely safe. A password manager auto-fills your information while maintaining the security of your device.
Secures Google Accounts
Many of us use different Google accounts throughout the day. There are separate password managers for Google accounts that help you in maintaining the security of each account. You do not have to remember the password for each one but can simply remember the main password.
Works on Multiple Devices
Instead of trying to form good phone passwords, you can rely on a password manager to protect your portable device as well. This allows you to connect multiple devices, thereby protecting your passwords on each item you use.
DID YOU KNOW? Although password managers are very effective, you should enable two-step authentication for additional security. |
Hackers use different ways like phishing, social engineering, or a brute force attack to receive access to passwords. It is extremely important to create strong passwords to avoid putting yourself in a vulnerable situation. You can use the passphrase or sentence method to create good passwords; It is also important to include a combination of symbols, special cases, and lower and upper case letters. A password manager is also recommended as an extra layer of protection.
A unique password includes a combination of words, symbols, special cases, and lower and upper case letters. It should be more than 12 digits long, and not include or imply any personal information.
One example of a tough password to crack is something like ‘anime-LiOn17-M@ss’. This contains more than 12 characters, upper and lower case letters, numbers, and special cases to form a random string.
Some password ideas include using uppercase and lowercase letters, numbers, special cases, and not including any potential personal information. The password should be at least 12 characters long for maximum safety.