Top 10 Fast-Growing Plants for Your Home


If you want to add some life to your home, plants are a great idea. If you’re worried that it will take time before the small plants will look attractive, you can opt for plants that grow nicely and fast. These plants are perfect for anyone who wants to add a pop of color or some extra greenery without having to worry about too much maintenance.

In this article, we will discuss the different types of fast-growing plants, tips for taking care of them, as well as some fun facts about each plant.

Fast-Growing Plants

Creating a beautiful indoor garden may take a lot of work and time. Luckily, there are several quick-growing indoor plants that will help your indoor jungle grow faster. Check out the following list to discover your perfect match.

1. Bamboo

Botanical Name Bambusoideae
Origin  Asia
Appearance  Woody, ringed stems; elongated green leaves
Pet/child-friendly Yes

When most people think of bamboo, they imagine the tall, reed-like plants that can be found in tropical rainforests. However, there are also many smaller varieties of bamboo that are a popular choice for beginners looking for an easy-to-care-for houseplant. Bamboo typically has long green leaves and can grow to be quite large if given enough space. Although it wouldn’t reach its full growing potential indoors, this fastest growing plant can grow up to 36 inches a day in its natural habitat.

Bamboos are hardy plants, tolerant to a variety of conditions. They do best in bright, indirect light and can also be grown in water, as well as in moist, but well-drained soil. Be sure to water your bamboo regularly, especially during times of high humidity, and to fertilize it twice a year.

2. Aloe Vera

Botanical Name Aloe barbadensis miller
Origin  North Africa
Appearance  Green, large leaves with sharp points
Pet/child-friendly Mild toxicity if eaten

Aloe Vera are succulent plants that typically grow between one and three feet tall, making these small fast growing plants a perfect cheap plant for the indoor environment. It has long, green leaves with serrated edges and produces a gel-like sap that is often used for medicinal purposes due to its antiseptic qualities, proven to kill bacteria, viruses, and fungi.

Aloe Vera is a great choice for beginners as it’s a very low-maintenance, drought-tolerant plant that only needs to be watered occasionally. It also grows quickly, making it a good choice for small gardens or containers. In winter, you may need to water your aloe less often, because overwatering it can cause its roots to rot. Fertilize your aloe once a month with a balanced fertilizer.

DID YOU KNOW: The gel from these fast growing houseplants has skin-soothing qualities, thanks to the chemicals that promote skin regeneration. That is why aloe vera gel can help with sunburns, insect stings, burns, and frostbite when applied to the skin.

3. Creeping Inch Plant

Botanical Name Callisia repens
Origin  Central/South America
Appearance  Small heart-shaped leaves, tiny white flowers
Pet/child-friendly Causes allergic reactions if ingested

Creeping inch plants have small, heart-shaped leaves that are typically green or purple in color. These plants are vines and can grow up to three feet long. What’s interesting about them is that they grow about an inch a week – hence the name.

Creeping inch plants, like most fast growing indoor plants, are very easy to care for and only need to be watered occasionally, which makes them ideal for first-time plant parents. They prefer bright, indirect light but can also tolerate low light conditions, and you can put them under plant growing lamps. You should fertilize your creeping inch plant once a month with a balanced fertilizer.

4. Ferns

Botanical Name Polypodiophyta
Origin  Tropical environments
Appearance  Long green leaves, divided into smaller leaflets
Pet/child-friendly Most fern species are pet and child-safe

A fern is any member of a family of around 20,000 species of plants. Ferns typically have long, green leaves that are divided into smaller leaflets, ranging in size from a few inches to several feet tall. They do not produce flowers or fruits.

Not only are they some of the fastest growing plants, but they also belong to the group of plants that don’t require much sunlight. Ferns are very low-maintenance plants, but they need to be watered frequently. They prefer humid conditions and indirect light but can also tolerate low light conditions. Be sure to mist your fern regularly to help increase the humidity level around the plant.

DID YOU KNOW: Ferns are among the world’s oldest plants, dating back 360 million years to the late Devonian period. However, most current families and species did not appear until 145 million years ago during the early Cretaceous era, after flowering plants had come to dominate most ecosystems.

5. Wandering Jew

Botanical Name Tradescantia zebrina
Origin  South America
Appearance  Elongated striped leaves; small white/violet flowers
Pet/child-friendly Non-toxic may cause an allergic reaction

These plants can also be found in the group of fast growing plants for indoor spaces. Wandering Jew belongs to a group of vining plants that have long, greenish leaves with purple or white stripes running down the center. Their leaves are often used in floral arrangements. These plants can grow up to six inches tall and spread quickly through runners. To maintain the plant full and bushy, remove the growing tips on a regular basis.

Wandering Jew plants are not hard to care for and should be kept in evenly moist soil. They prefer bright, indirect light to maintain their vivid color. Be sure to fertilize these fast-growing pot plants once a month with a balanced fertilizer, but only during spring and summer.

6. Jade Plant

Botanical Name Crassula ovata
Origin  South Africa
Appearance  Thick, woody stems and oval-shaped, fleshy leaves
Pet/child-friendly Safe for kids; can be toxic to pets

Jade plants have thick, green leaves and produce small white or light pink flowers, which afterward turn into red berries. This delicate-looking plant can grow up to four feet tall and does well in direct sunlight. In Germany, the United States, and Asia, the jade plant is very popular because people believe it brings good fortune (hence its nickname “money plant”).

Jade plants are very low maintenance and only need to be watered occasionally, making them ideal for people who are new to plant-growing. These fast growing house plants prefer bright light but can also tolerate low light conditions. Be sure to fertilize your jade plant once a month with a balanced fertilizer.

DID YOU KNOW: The jade plant has dense clusters of star-shaped white or light pink flowers that bloom during winter and spring. After flowering, this interesting plant produces its fruit – a tiny capsule containing miniature seeds – which adds to its appealing look.

7. Ficus

Botanical Name Ficus Benjamina
Origin  Tropical areas of East Asia
Appearance  Green glossy leaves; light gray trunk
Pet/child-friendly Toxic if ingested

This is another of the fastest growing plant choices that you can keep at home. These elegant plants have thick, glossy, green leaves, and are sold as tiny trees or shrubs that are about 6 feet tall, although they can reach up to 60 feet tall in the wild. At home, these plants can grow up to four feet tall and like to be kept under bright, indirect sunlight.

Ficus plants are very low maintenance and only need to be watered occasionally. Keep their soil moist, but don’t overwater them, as it can cause their leaves to drop and they can develop root rot. Ficus plants are heavy feeders and require plenty of quality fertilizer while growing. Be sure to fertilize this fast growing indoor plant once a month during spring and summer, and once every two months in fall and winter.

8. Hibiscus

Botanical Name Hibiscus rosa-Sinensis
Origin  Tropical regions of Asia and the Pacific Islands
Appearance  Funnel-like flowers, dense foliage
Pet/child-friendly Yes

The hibiscus plant is known for its large, colorful blooms and its fast growth rate. Hibiscus plants are tropical plants and do best when they are kept in a warm, sunny location. In most cases, the hibiscus will bloom year-round if it is given enough sunlight.

This ornamental plant is low-maintenance – all you have to do is to water it regularly and prune it from time to time. So, if you’re a beginner looking for easy-to-care indoor fast growing plants, the hibiscus is a great option. Keep in mind that there are several hibiscus varieties, so choose the one that is right for you according to the climate you live in.

DID YOU KNOW: Hibiscus flowers are edible. They have a citrus-like flavor and are used for preparing soups, chutneys, salads, curries, jellies, and jams. Dry flowers are used to prepare tea. Besides having a pleasant taste, it is an excellent source of vitamin C and helps with lowering blood pressure and reducing cholesterol levels.

9. Velvet Plant


Botanical Name Gynura aurantiaca
Origin  Southeast Asia
Appearance  Velvety, dark green leaves; small white flowers
Pet/child-friendly Yes

If you’re a first-time plant parent, looking for some easy fast growing indoor plants, the velvet plant would be a great choice for you. These plants have glossy, dark green leaves that are velvety to the touch. The flowers are small and white, and they bloom in clusters. 

Velvet plants can grow up to three feet tall in just one year, so they’re perfect for filling empty spaces. They require bright indirect light and regular watering, and they’ll thrive in warm temperatures. These plants are also known for their ability to purify the air, so they’re a great choice for homes with pets or smokers.

10. Geraniums

Botanical Name Pelargonium x hortorum
Origin  South Africa
Appearance  Colorful flowers; thick leaves
Pet/child-friendly Toxic to pets, allergic reactions in some children

Geranium is another of the fast growing indoor plants on our list. Geranium’s appearance can differ depending on the variety, but they are typically characterized by their large, showy flowers that come in all kinds of colors, such as pink, deep red, violet, and white. Some varieties also have variegated leaves.

Geraniums are easy to care for and don’t require a lot of maintenance. They do best in bright sunlight and need only a small amount of watering. Many of these plants are known for their lovely scents. When their leaves are rubbed, they may have a mint, fruit, flower, spice, or even chocolate-like fragrance. The oil produced by some of these fast growing houseplants varieties has a rose-like fragrance and is used in perfumes, soaps, ointments, etc.

Key Takeaways

There are many plants that grow fast if you’re looking to fill an empty spot in your house.
Some examples of fast-growing plants you can grow in indoor gardens are bamboo, ferns, ficus, creeping inch plant, aloe vera, etc.
The majority of plants mentioned here are ideal for beginner plant carers because they’re easy to maintain.
Beware of these plants’ toxic properties if you have children or pets: geranium, ficus, jade, and creeping inch plant.

Wrap Up

If you’re looking for a fast growing plant that is low maintenance, you should find this article quite helpful. All of these plants are pretty easy to maintain, meaning you can get one even if you’re new to growing indoor plants. Whether you want to fill an empty room or create an indoor garden, we hope our list of the fastest-growing plants will help you in your search.


Are there plants that can grow in 2 weeks?

Although no indoor plant can reach its full height in a matter of two weeks, some of them can show significant growth in that time. Such examples are the bamboo, Wandering Jew, and above all, the creeping inch plant, which grows an inch every day.

What should I do to make my indoor plants grow faster?

To add essential elements to the potting soil, use either an organic or inorganic fertilizer to help your houseplants grow faster. Plants are fairly self-sufficient if they have enough light, water, and a suitable temperature. However, your fast growing plants will grow even faster if given the proper nutrients.

Can I use neem oil to make my houseplants grow fast?

Neem oil is effective as a pesticide and fungicide, killing a variety of plant pests, so you can use it to assist your indoor plants to fight off insects. But apart from controlling pest infestation, it hasn’t any proven nutritive qualities that will speed up the growth of your plants.

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