26+ iPhone Facts That Explain Its Popularity
Last Updated: March 8, 2022
You’ve probably come across an amusing iPhone fact or two, which shouldn’t be a surprise, considering the sheer number of intriguing facts regarding the iPhone. We’ve compiled a list of details that would spark interest in non-iPhone users and users alike, some of which might be common knowledge. Still, some lesser-known facts would unravel the puzzle of why the iPhone is the favourite device of millions.
Intriguing iPhone Facts
- The initial iPhone prototype was designed in 1983.
- The first-ever iPhone was announced on 9 January 2007.
- The iPhone’s App Store was the first to offer legal apps for download.
- Apple has filed more than 200 iPhone technology patents.
- The Siri intelligent assistant was first introduced on the iPhone 4S.
- Over 200 million iPhones are sold each year.
- iPhone owners are more loyal to the brand than users of other smartphone brands.
- The ‘i’ in iPhone stands for ‘internet’.
Birth of the iPhone
When Apple first introduced the iPhone to the world, it changed how we view phones and revolutionised technology forever. Our Apple facts about iPhone reveal how the iPhone came into existence—the rest is history.
#1 The iPhone prototype was designed in 1983
(BuybackBoss, TECH25)
The initial iPhone prototype was designed in 1983, but it bore no resemblance to the phone we all know today. The engineer Hartmut Esslinger created the first touchscreen landline phone, but this device never saw the light of day. From this invention, however, the idea for the first smartphone was born.
#2 Apple wanted to create a tablet instead of an iPhone
Apple iPhone facts reveal that the first iPhone project was to create the first tablet or iPad. But once Steve Jobs saw the virtual keyboard design, he changed the concept and adapted it for the iPhone.
#3 The first iPhone project was ‘top secret’
When Steve Jobs set about building the first iPhone, he insisted that only present Apple employees could work on the project. Most employees, however, didn’t know exactly what they were working on, as it was a top-secret project, code-named Project Purple.
#4 The iPhone was launched in 2007
One of the best-known facts about the iPhone is the date and venue of its launch: 9 January 2007 at the Macworld convention in San Francisco, California. Steve Jobs announced the release of the iPhone, saying, ‘Today, Apple is going to reinvent the phone’.
#5 Steve Jobs made a prank call when introducing the iPhone
When Steve Jobs introduced the iPhone, he made his first public (prank) call with the phone to a local Starbucks, ordering 4,000 lattes. Some Apple fans continue this prank today.
#6 The iPhone won the Invention of the Year award in 2007
TIME magazine awards the Invention of the Year. Another iPhone fact details that in 2007 the iPhone was the recipient of this award. Experts were impressed by the design, performance, and powerful OS—never before seen in a hand-held device.
#7 The iPhone was dubbed the Jesus Phone
iPhone devices became quickly popular. US media outlets joined in on the hype and gave the iPhone a curious nickname: Jesus Phone. The nickname was given because people seemed to have the same zeal over the new iPhone as those following a religious cult.
#8 The Apple iPhone was not the first phone to be named iPhone
One of the most interesting iPhone fun facts is that the ‘first’ iPhone was not the first. InfoGear Technology Corporation released the first iPhone in 1998. Cisco Systems then acquired this company in 2000 and the rights to the iPhone name. After the two companies settled the name issue in 2007, Apple released its (first) iPhone.
Age of Development
Since 2007, Apple has issued new models and introduced new updates with each new version. Our facts about iPhones trace the development of the various iPhone versions.
#9 The App Store was first introduced on the iPhone
Each smartphone boasts a pre-installed App Store, but this was not always the case. Apple is the company that began this practice. iPhone users, however, were the first to access an App Store to download and install apps legally.
#10 iPhones use Apple’s proprietary iOS software
All iPhone models use iOS software, and each new model of the phone uses a new generation of iOS. The first-generation iPhone (the original iPhone) was a GSM phone. All iPhones support GSM when updated.
#11 Apple filed more than 200 iPhone technology patents
iPhone statistics show that since the first iPhone in 2007, Apple has filed for over 200 technology patents used in the iPhone. Some of the best-known patents include Over-the-Air (OTA) updates and Force Touch—tools that redefined the smartphone market.
#12 The 4S iPhone introduced the Siri intelligent assistant
The name Siri is synonymous with voice assistance, but the iPhone 4S was the first phone to offer this feature. Besides this revolutionary feature, the 4S model had improved hardware compared to the previous model: the iPhone 4.
#13 The iPhone 7 was the first water-resistant iPhone
iPhone facts and statistics show us that the first water-resistant iPhone was introduced in 2016. Both the iPhone 7 and 7 Plus listed water resistance as a prominent feature—in addition to the improved system performance and rear dual-camera.
#14 The iPhone 12 was the first phone capable of laser measurements
The debut of the iPhone 12 was marked by the introduction of the LiDAR scanner, which used lasers to measure the distance between objects—a technology used today in self-driving cars. One of the other intriguing iPhone 12 facts is the phone’s internal magnet.
The Big Picture
We’ve explored iPhone milestones in history, but in this section, we present facts on iPhone sales, usage, popularity, and more.
#15 More than 200 million iPhones are sold each year
iPhones are extremely popular, with over 200 million sold each year globally. As a result, Apple customers are encouraged to participate in trade-in programmes that allow them to trade their old iPhone for a new one (plus compensation).
#16 Apple users worldwide download 51 apps per minute
One of the most random facts about the iPhone is that some 51 apps are downloaded by Apple users each minute, with Facebook being the most popular iPhone app. Social media stats show that other top-rated iPhone apps include FacebookMessenger, Instagram, and YouTube.
#17 iPhone is responsible for 55% of Apple’s revenue
Even though Apple produces iPads and computers, its most profitable product is the iPhone. Their sales generate 55% of the company’s revenue, making it Apple’s highest earner by far.
#18 Samsung manufactures iPhone processors
Facts about iPhone security present a surprising revelation—Apple’s No.1 competitor, Samsung, is responsible for producing iPhone processors. Even though the two companies are rivalries, they managed to (somewhat) bury the axe and start a collaboration.
#19 The iPhone’s most expensive feature is its retina display
(SoftSchools, POPSUGAR.)
A single iPhone consists of many small components—the most expensive include the retina display, followed by the Qualcomm wireless chips. For example, when the iPhone 4 was in production, one retina display cost $28.50 (approx. £21.28).
#20 iPhone users are more loyal to the brand than smartphone users of other brands
iPhone statistics show that iPhone users are loyal to the brand. For example, 83.4% of iPhone owners stated that their next phone would be an iPhone, while 64.2% of Samsung owners said they would stay with the Samsung brand. This means that Apple has a robust customer base for their latest model even before release.
The Best for Last
We’ve saved the best for last. You’ll find the most amusing iPhone facts in our final section.
#21 The meaning of ‘i’ in iPhone was revealed in 1998
The names of all Apple devices start with an ‘i’, including iPhone, iMac, iPad. The meaning of this prefix was revealed in 1998 when Steve Jobs introduced the iMac. The ‘i’ refers to the word ‘internet’—since all iPhone devices with this prefix can be used to access the internet. Jobs, however, stated that the ‘i’ also stands for ‘inspire’, ‘instruct’, ‘individual’, ‘inform’.
#22 The time displayed on all iPhone advertisements is 9:41
Facts about the iPhone reveal that when the iPhone was first announced, the local time was 9:42. But the first iPad read 9:41—the template still used today.
#23 Rare minerals are used in the production of the iPhone
Nine rare minerals are used in the production of the iPhone for some of its most significant functions: vibrations, colouring, playing sound. Some 90% of these minerals are mined in China, making the country essential for iPhone manufacturing.
#24 Bono is the featured logo on iPhone’s music app
One of the random facts about the iPhone includes Bono (the U2 lead singer) featured as the logo on iPhone’s music app. The icon displayed is based on Bono’s portrait. The band has also had other collaborations with Apple.
#25 Apple’s EULA bans the use of devices to create nuclear bombs and other weapons
The 18,000-word End User License Agreement (EULA) found on Apple devices states that users cannot use the company’s devices and services for the ‘development, design, manufacture, or production of nuclear, missile, or chemical or biological weapons’.
#26 The iPhone display automatically turns off when you lift it to your ear
When scrutinising iPhone facts from 2020, an interesting feature came to light. Many users may not know that the iPhone display automatically turns off when you lift the phone to your ear.
#27 Texting is one of the primary functions of iPhones
Facts about texting reveal that texting is one of the most widely used functions of the iPhone. More than 40 billion iMessages are sent each day. The iPhone user sends and receives approximately 53 messages per day.
The latest iPhone facts for 2021 show that even though it has been 15 years since the launch of the first iPhone, these devices have not decreased in popularity. Instead, the iPhone is the most trusted device for millions globally. We’ve compiled facts that illustrate only a small amount of the iPhone’s magic. But it’s best if you experience the many wonders of the iPhone firsthand.
Facts about iPhones tell us that production for all models up to the iPhone 4 took place in Taiwan. But in 2011, the new CEO changed strategies and diversified the manufacturing process, adding new locations.
‘iPhone’ translates as ‘Internet Phone’. So the ‘i’ in iPhone stands for ‘internet’, as well as ‘individual’, ‘instruct’, ‘inform’, and ‘inspire’.
A well-known iPhone fact is that Apple’s first iPhone was announced on 9 January 2007, but it first became available for retail purchase in the UK on 29 June 2007.