How to Date in the UK [The Ultimate Guide]


Dating in the modern world can be a frightening prospect, as the widespread use of dating sites and apps has widened the pool to never-before-seen proportions. This is a double-edged sword, however – although there are countless possibilities, it may be difficult to make the right choice among so many options. Don’t worry! We’ve compiled the ultimate guide to help you achieve the success you crave in the dating department

How to Date: The Ultimate Guide to Dating in the UK

Since we all know that dating can be complicated, confusing, or scary, we’ve decided to create a guide to help you navigate through the intricacies of modern romance and make your dating life easier. We know that dating is a unique experience for every person, but if you follow the guidelines listed below, your chances of success will increase.

How to Get a Date

Once you’ve decided that you’re ready to seek out potential dates, you can slowly start to enter the dating pool. The first thing you should consider before setting up a date is to decide what it is you’re looking for, whether it’s a fling, casual dating, or a committed relationship. When you’ve decided what you want to get out of the dating experience, you can start looking for a date!

There are several ways you can go about getting a date – in our dating guide, we’ve listed the ways with the highest success rates. 

Option 1: Ask family and friends to introduce you to someone

The first place you can turn to for potential dates is your inner circle. Your family and friends know you best and they might know someone who would be a good match for you. 

Option 2: Be open to meeting someone on a night out

If you’re out with friends or by yourself, be open to striking up a conversation with someone new. Make sure you seem approachable. If there’s a spark, you can be the one to initiate contact.

Option 3: Try new things that require interacting with other people

The best possible dating advice you can get is to step out of your comfort zone. This means you should attend events or participate in group activities that interest you – it’s the best way to meet people with similar interests and ask someone out!

Option 4: Try online dating

This is the most popular way for meeting someone right now. There are plenty of great dating sites and apps you can access free of charge, and you can choose one where you’ll be able to meet people that fit your criteria. Tinder is one of the most popular apps for virtual dating; writing a good bio is crucial for your success.

Additional Tips for Scoring a Date

Before starting your search, there are several other rules you should keep in mind if you want to score a date:

  • Be selective, but not picky – It’s good to have a set of criteria for choosing a date, but you shouldn’t be nit-picking every aspect of their appearance and/or personality. You may end up missing out on a great connection!
  • Establish good communication – Regardless of whether you’ve met in person or online, you need to establish a good basis for further communication.
  • Give people their space – Make sure not to overdo it by demanding non-stop communication – some people need their space and you will come off as needy.
  • Know when to stop – Some people simply won’t be interested. Don’t take it personally and move on.
DID YOU KNOW? The term ‘dating’ was first used in the late 19th century, 1896 to be exact. It first appeared in a newspaper column in which a young man complained that his girlfriend was going out with other young men, and they were taking up all the dates on her calendar. 

How to Behave on a First Date

The first date can be nerve-wracking, especially if you really like the person. As this event is often a make-or-break type of thing, it’s always good to learn some tips on how to make the best out of your first date.

Before the Date

The first thing you need to do once you’ve set a date is to plan the date itself. It’s a good idea to try and find out what the other person likes doing, but you could just ask them! Remember that dates don’t have to cost a lot of money; you could even just go for a walk.

Another thing to take care of beforehand is your appearance. Make sure you look neat and clean since this is the first thing people notice, and it could help you make a good first impression!

6 Tips for a Successful First Date

Even though there are no hard-written rules, the Brits love to know what’s next. The dating etiquette for UK daters says the following are welcome on a first date:

  1. Have a positive attitude – Regardless of the day you’ve had, approach the date with enthusiasm, as this will show you’re invested
  2. Be respectful – Show your date that you appreciate them making an effort, and behave respectfully and politely
  3. Practice good manners – Show the person sitting opposite you that you have good manners, as this is extremely important for a successful encounter
  4. Be a good listener – One of the most important tips for dating someone new is to listen to what they have to say and don’t try to dominate the conversation. This will show that you’re interested and entice them to like you more. 
  5. Insert humour in the conversation – This is a great way to relieve tension and lighten the mood. Just don’t make any inappropriate jokes
  6. Don’t make unwanted physical advances – A kiss is acceptable only if the other person is comfortable with it. Don’t pressure them to be intimate before they’re feeling ready. This is an extremely important piece of dating advice for men!

If you adopt this kind of behaviour, your dating life will improve and you’re guaranteed to have a few pleasant dates, even if you don’t meet the one right away. 

DID YOU KNOW? Body language is of utmost importance – before a man even utters a word, his body language accounts for 55% of the woman’s first impression, 38% of the impression is made by the way he speaks, while 7% is determined by what he says

8 Dating Rules You Should Know

As with everything else in life, dating comes with a set of rules. Let’s look at the most important ones that will help you up your dating game

#1 Date More Than One Person

When you begin dating, you don’t have to limit your options by seeing just one person. You can explore all possibilities and go on dates with multiple people; you don’t have to become monogamous with every person you meet. By dating more than one person, you can see what or who you like best and make the right choice

#2 Be Honest About Your Intentions

Whenever you go out with someone new, make sure to let them know what you’re looking to get out of the dating process. If you’re not ready for a relationship and you just want to date casually, let the other person know. If the opposite is true and you want a relationship, make this clear to avoid getting hurt

#3 Be Open-Minded

Keeping an open mind might be easier said than done, especially in British dating culture. However, you must adopt this practice. Although you may think you only want to date a certain type, giving other people a chance might lead to a happy ending

#4 Meet in Person

If you’ve met someone through social media or on a dating app, it’s normal that your first conversations take place online. It’s not a good idea to keep this going for long, however. You should make an appointment to meet in person at the first opportunity to get to know the person in real life. 

#5 Set a Time Limit on Dates

The guide to dating says that you should keep initial dates short, up to 90 minutes. Experts think that this is enough time to get to know someone on a surface level and see if you’re attracted to them. That’s why a dinner date is a bad idea for a first date, as these take longer at about an hour and a half. 

#6 Don’t Talk About Your Romantic Past

Many people make this mistake! They get carried away and begin talking about their ex-partner during the first few dates. Deep conversations about relationships and break-ups can strain the new connection and things can get awkward.

#7 Prepare Topics of Conversation

If you’re confused about how to date after a hiatus, you should prepare several topics of conversation. By doing this, you’ll ensure that there are no uncomfortable silences and that you don’t wade into inappropriate topics

#8 Safety First

Staying safe is the most important aspect of dating, especially if you’re going out with someone you met online. If something makes you feel at risk or you feel uncomfortable, end the date. Don’t worry about seeming impolite – if you’re worried as to how to get out of a date, let a friend or a family member know where you are so they reach out and check up on you. 

DID YOU KNOW? It’s a good idea to address your date by their namesaying the other person’s name at least twice during the conversation will lead to an instant connection, as this indicates attentiveness

Be Aware of the Dating Rules, But Don’t Dwell on Them

It’s a good idea to abide by certain rules when you’re entering the world of dating, but remember that nothing is set in stone. Every relationship, much like every person, is unique; a uniform set of rules doesn’t apply to everything.

Finding love is a long and complex process and it’s different for everyone, so sometimes you just have to trust your instincts and go with the flow!

If you want to have a certain level of control over your dating life, you can create your own set of relationship rules and stick to them, even though at times it might seem challenging. By having rules, you can ensure that you get exactly what you want out of your dating endeavours and you don’t end up disappointed and heartbroken

DID YOU KNOW? Three seconds is all it takes to determine whether or not you’re attracted to someone. A study conducted among 10,000 speed daters found that most people decide attraction levels within three seconds of meeting someone.

Dating Do’s and Don’ts

When dating, it’s important to keep in mind the real world, as well as online dating etiquette. That’s why we listed some of the things you should and shouldn’t do when you begin dating someone. 

✔️ Do…

  • Show up on time – Make sure you show up at the agreed-upon time. Tardiness is not an attractive quality. 
  • Compliment your date – Although you shouldn’t overdo it with the compliments, a well-placed, honest compliment can get you a long way. 
  • Be interested – Show interest in what the other person is saying. You’ll seem more attractive if they appreciate the effort you’re making. 
  • Pay attention – This is one of the most important first date rules for guys, as men tend to drift away during dates. Paying attention to the person’s body language, whether it’s a guy or a girl, is crucial for a successful date
  • Ask questions – By asking questions, you’ll show you’re interested and can also learn important things about the person that can determine whether you’re compatible or not
  • Make eye contact – People can determine if you’re being honest by looking into your eyes. It’s a good idea to make intentional eye contact, but don’t stare
  • Offer to pay/split the bill – If you’re wondering who pays on a date, there are no clear-cut rules about this in the 21st century. Both parties should offer to pay the bill, but they can decide to split it.

❌ Don’t…

  • Act arrogant – Arrogance is a deterring quality, so steer clear from it. 
  • Complain – Regardless of the situation you’re in, don’t complain. It has a negative effect. 
  • Be rude – Don’t be rude to the staff or to other people you may encounter. 
  • Check on your phone – Looking at your phone instead of the person opposite you is disrespectful – just don’t do it. This applies to dating for girls and guys!
  • Dwell on the past – First dates can be a fresh start, so don’t talk about past mistakes or negative experiences
  • Show up under-dressed – It’s always better to be overdressed for the occasion than to look like you didn’t put in any effort. 
  • Be desperate – Don’t seem like you’re willing to commit to someone in the long-term after just one date. It may turn away people genuinely interested in you.
DID YOU KNOW? Some of the worst places for a first date include your parents’ house, fast food restaurants, children’s birthdays, school activities, and church-related events.

When Does Dating Turn Into a Relationship?

Dating is great and exciting; with the right person, it’s bound to progress and become something more. When does dating someone turn into being in a relationship with them?

There is no definitive answer to this question – it’s unique for every couple. You can always talk and discuss your relationship status and see if you’re on the same page. Even if you don’t talk it over, there are some indicators that you’re in a relationship

  • Spending a lot of time together
  • Calling them just to talk 
  • Holding hands in public
  • Meeting each other’s friends
  • Introducing them to your family
  • Falling in love

Once you’re in a committed relationship, you can establish your own relationship rules that both of you can use as a guide.

DID YOU KNOW? The results from online dating are evenly split33% of daters form a relationship, 33% remain single, and 33% give up on the process. 


Dating may be complicated, but it’s not impossible. Everyone needs to put in a certain amount of time and effort if they want to find that special someone. Being open to new experiences, willing to make changes, and following the dating advice you’re given will result in meeting the right person.


How do you properly date?

To date properly, you need to be invested in the process and be genuinely interested in meeting someone new. You need to be respectful and give the other person your undivided attention while you’re together.

How do you date in 2022?

Pandemic dating is tricky. The most common way to meet new people is through dating apps. Whenever you meet someone new, make sure you abide by the recommended protocols and that you’re both comfortable with the proximity between you.

Why is dating so hard for guys?

If you’re a guy and wondering how to date, you’re not the only one. Guys have more difficulties dating because online dating is not as effective for them, and they usually have smaller friend circles through which they can meet women. They can also be shyer than women!


I've loved writing since I can remember, and back in high school, I started loving psychology as well. So I majored in it while dabbling in spirituality and yoga on the side.

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