What Color Is My Aura [How to See Auras & How to Clear Them]


Everything in the universe is made up of energy. An aura is a human energy field that surrounds your body and reflects the state of your being through various colors. Maybe you are a beginner in the spiritual circles, and you ask yourself, what color is my aura?

If you are eager to know more about the colors of an aura, where they are located, or how to cleanse your aura, read on to find out!

What Are Auras and Why Do They Reflect Colors?

The word aura derives from the Greek word meaning “breeze” or “air.” It’s a pure life force.

  • We all possess an aura, and it’s a rainbow-colored auric field, typically invisible to the physical eye, which can be perceived psychically with a bit of practice. The aura can be seen radiating from a person’s whole body in the form of an ellipse, made up of several different-colored bands.
  • The meaning of each aura color is believed to tell a lot about our mood, health status, and personality. The aura may determine our connections with others, and our aura-elicited actions are often surprisingly accurate.
  • It is believed that one’s aura color is the reflection of the personality, mind, and soul. When it’s at its most radiant and strong, the aura can reach the diameter of an extended arm. This bioenergetic field fluctuates in size and solidity under different conditions.
  • Your aura corresponds to your zodiac sign and shows aura colors that match your astrological personality. You can find out more about your zodiac sign aura on some of the top astrology apps.
Did you know: There are people who read auras, and this process is described as a way of sorting through our internal blueprints and traumas to get to the genuine authenticity of our inborn manifestation. For more in-depth info, visit the best psychic readings online.

What Do Aura Colors Mean?

I bet by now you’ve asked yourself, what color is my aura? Different colors are usually related to different emotions and qualities. Someone’s aura is usually a blend of colors, with one being more dominant than the others. Let’s see what each color means and which chakra it is associated with.

Red Aura

  • Red aura stands for survival, grounded action, strength, high energy, bravery, physical aspects of life, passion, and determination.

CHAKRA: Root or base

POSITIVE QUALITIES: As clear bright red, cherry-red, or rich ruby, it symbolizes vibrant life, capacity to overcome any barriers, a will to initiate positive change, and a passionate disposition.

NEGATIVE QUALITIES: Metallic red indicates a short temper, a domineering nature, an inclination to erupt if frustrated, impulsivity, and risk-taking.

Orange Aura

  • A person with an orange aura finds meaning in trust, confidence, and a powerful sense of identity, fruitfulness, self-respect, health, and personal desires; it is the color of the integrator.

CHAKRA: Sacral

POSITIVE QUALITIES: Warm orange aura shows originality and creative abilities, as well as an open-minded, dynamic, and optimistic nature.

NEGATIVE QUALITIES: A light orange may indicate a lack of identity or low self-respect, when an individual bases their sense of worth only on what others think.

Yellow Aura

  • Yellow aura stands for intellectual pursuits, logic, adaptability, mental agility, changeability, or uneasiness. It is the color of the communicator.

CHAKRA: Solar plexus

POSITIVE QUALITIES: Clear bright yellow is a color of joy and clear transmission, while lemon yellow is the color of an attentive mind and a bright memory.

NEGATIVE QUALITIES: Irregular stripes of yellow aura reflect the meaning of potential hyperactivity, while mustard yellow may mask jealousy or bitterness. A metallic yellow hides dishonest intent.

Green Aura

  • Green aura. What does a green aura mean? It suggests love, loyalty, harmony, natural growth, and thoughtfulness for the environment; it’s the color of the child of nature.


POSITIVE QUALITIES: Green reveals a trustworthy heart full of love, a person who is open-handed with time, money, and love.

NEGATIVE QUALITIES: Pale green implies emotional dependency. Lime green may indicate stress in present relationships. A cloudy or dark green aura may indicate those who love unwisely and excessively.

Blue Aura

  • A blue aura carries the meaning of natural authority and wide vision; it has healing powers transmitted through higher sources. It is the color of the seeker of truth.

CHAKRA: Throat

POSITIVE QUALITIES: Royal blue signifies an integrated personality with a strong feeling of justice. Light blue auras are seen as very creative and also compassionate. Clear blue represents objectivity.

NEGATIVE QUALITIES: A harsh blue is typical of someone who is opinionated, despotic, and inflexible towards others’ lifestyles and beliefs.

Indigo Aura

  • An indigo aura implies inner vision and spirituality, awareness, a vision of the future and of past lives; the color of seers, it can indicate a person able to give accurate psychic medium readings. 

CHAKRA: Third eye

POSITIVE QUALITIES: Clear indigo suggests sensitivity to people’s unstated intentions and awareness of the mystical realm, greater intuition, and psychic perception.

NEGATIVE QUALITIES: When the indigo aura is faded, it suggests that its owner is daydreaming too much and has a tendency towards self-pity or stress, especially since people with such an aura tend to absorb other people’s negative moods.

Purple Aura

  • A purple aura is considered to be connected with other dimensions and with spirit guides; it is the color of the mystic. Purple is the highest aura level, and it is associated with pure cosmic energies, dreams, and higher consciousness.


POSITIVE QUALITIES: Related to unconscious wisdom and the collective knowledge of humankind in all ages and places.

NEGATIVE QUALITIES: A dark violet aura indicates idealism or unrealistic expectations—that is, the inability to accept everyday life with its imperfections.

White Aura

  • A white aura is very uncommon and rare, and it is associated with universal energy and oneness.

POSITIVE QUALITIES: It is linked to innocence, unselfishness, altruism, wisdom, opposition to deception, celestial connection, and higher consciousness. People with such auras are considered to have healing capacity.

NEGATIVE QUALITIES: White aura can have a negative meaning if it appears dim or murky. This could indicate lack of experience, judgment, or self-sacrifice stretching as far as self-harm.

Black Aura

  • A black aura is different from having a dim or dark aura. Practically, there cannot be a black aura color by definition, and if you nonetheless have a lack of color rays, it signifies that your life force is very low and that you are feeling very vulnerable. Rest assured, with a healthy dose of support, this absence of color rays in your body can be fixed.
Did you know: Zodiac signs have an aura hue to match:

  • Aries: Bright red
  • Taurus: Green
  • Gemini: Yellow
  • Cancer: Pink
  • Leo: Orange
  • Virgo: Royal Blue
  • Libra: Bluish-green
  • Scorpio: Indigo
  • Sagittarius: Orange
  • Capricorn: Deep red
  • Aquarius: Bright green
  • Pisces: Violet

More on this topic can be found in some of the top astrology books.

How to See Auras?

If you’ve ever guessed what someone has to say next, or you felt a bad vibe from a person that you are hanging out with, you might be an aura reader and not know it. After the question “what color is my aura?”, comes the next question, “How can I see it?” If you want to see your or other people’s auras, here are a few methods you can try:

By Looking in the Mirror

To see your aura, get in front of a mirror at least 18 inches away, farther if you can. Position yourself in a way so that you’ll have a white background behind you. Relax and focus on the surface of the wall. Lighting should be natural, not too bright or dark. As you look past the contour of your head and shoulders, you’ll notice subtle light around your torso.

By Looking at Your Hands

The second technique on how to see your aura is by concentrating on your hands. Start by tapping the centers of your palms your fingers. Then place your hands about 7 centimeters apart, palms facing each other. Slowly inhale and exhale. Let your fingers relax.

Very slowly move your hands 12 centimeters apart. Look intently at the space between the tips of your fingers. Repeat this several times, moving the hands closer to each other and then farther. You’ll notice a gentle outer light radiating from the surface of your palms, but also be aware that it’ll take some practice to actually see your aura.

By Taking an Aura Photograph

Have you ever thought about getting one of those professional aura portraits? You can capture an aura only using a special camera. It has an algorithm that uses frequencies read from your torso and converts them to compatible colors. Red aura hues are usually measured between 400-480 THz and higher frequency hues like indigo are between 620-670 THz.

The concept of energetic frequency is important in this context as it gives us insight into how quickly energy is shifting. Allegedly, an aura photograph can give you some insight into your different states of awareness. Moreover, it can assist you in identifying what surrounds you energetically and can help you understand yourself better.

Key Takeaways

We all have an aura, and our energy auric field shows different colors.
Most people’s auras are usually a mixture of colors, with one more dominant than the rest.
There are different meanings of auras according to the colors that can be seen in them.
You can see auras by looking in the mirror, at your hands, or by taking aura portraits.

The Number and Location of Aura Colors and Their Meanings

People’s auras display an abundance of colors. But still, various people’s auras may have a different number of colors and different locations where they can be found.

One Main (Primary) Color

By default, every single person possesses one aura color, which gives the person unique characteristics. Still, it’s worth mentioning that alongside this so-called “primary’’ color there is always a secondary color or even a rainbow of colors, something I’ll cover in the next paragraph.

Secondary Color

As a mixture of 2 different primary color auras put together, it is a combination of the energies and meanings of these colors. If you have two main colors in equal quantity, you get the secondary color.

For example :

  • Blue and yellow make green.
  • Red and blue create purple.
  • Red and yellow create orange.

Only One Color or Rainbow of Colors

Auras change all the time, but generally, there are one or two colors that are dominant and those are the primary and secondary colors.

Maybe your aura features even more hues, so it might be more appropriate to say you have a rainbow aura. When someone is surrounded by four to six colors, it implies that they have very active energy and lots of interchange and experience.

If your aura is multicolored, it means that you’ll probably feel confident and won’t mind how you are perceived by others and their opinion of you won’t matter much. It shows that you’re balanced from an energetic point of view. Also, it usually means that you have a healthy aura and that you naturally process different flows and motions, manifesting all of this in your life.

Locations and Their Associated Meanings

Different color auras can also appear in different locations, and therefore have further meanings. If the colors are on:

The Right Side (Left in the Picture)

A cluster of colors on the right side indicates that you have a revealing active or masculine side, this is how you project your personality and how other people see you. This part of the body also represents the recent past.

The Left Side (Right in the Picture)

This side indicates your receptive, feminine, or sensitive side. It is the part of your personality that gains receives, feels, and fantasizes. The aura colors in this location are also suggestive of what you are creating for yourself in the near future.

Above the Head

It points to what you are experiencing in the present moment. An arc of color stretching over the top of the photo indicates what the person’s aspirations or goals are. For example, a mix of indigo and blue aura may indicate that the person’s highest hopes are to be creative and spiritual.

Near the Bottom of the Body

Colors near the bottom of your body or the sacral chakra mirror your subconscious or suppressed condition of mind at the present moment, or the feelings you’re holding in.

Did you know: Aura astrology is a unique field of study of human energy that aims to calculate someone’s energy field. By combining star chart readings with different aura color meanings, it tells you how strong your energy field is and recommends treatment to make your energy zone more powerful.

What Affects Auras? 

Our moods and emotional states may influence the aura in different ways. It mirrors our mental, physical, and spiritual well-being. Everything we have ever mastered and whether we are flowing in line with our life’s purpose is reflected. If you are joyful and healthy, you’ll have a clear aura, which is bright and energized. If you are tired and dull, then your aura will reflect this by fading. It may have dark or smokey patches in it too.

The state of other people also affects the aura. When you’re outside, you may attract negative energy from people if you don’t know how to preserve your aura, but we’ll get to that next. For instance, you meet someone and you feel this bad vibe. Observe how your mood can change. You end up feeling low until you throw off that negative aura energy or consciously imagine it draining away out of your aura. The same can be said if you encounter a person who gives you good vibes; you’ll probably feel uplifted.

How to Clear Your Aura?

Now we got to the part where I’ll give you a few tips on how to cast off bad aura energies.

  • If you want to wash off those negative energies, take a shower or bath, adding Himalayan salt. When you prepare your bathtub, toss anywhere from a couple of handfuls, up to one cup of Himalayan salt into the tub. Fill the tub with hot water, then soak for 20 to 30 minutes. There are also beautiful Himalayan salt lamps that are both chic to have in your home and helpful for clearing the energy in the room.
  • In order to cleanse your aura, try this ancient practice by smudging with dried white sage. Smudging is essentially burning herbs and using the smoke to purify your aura. To do this, you can use a variety of different herbs, including cedar sage and thyme.
  • Meditation is another powerful tool for clearing away pessimistic, negative vibes. It can also be used as a precautionary method. Just take time to calm down, clear your mind, and cleanse your aura by not thinking.
  • Another way to wash away the influence of other people’s negative auras is with selenite crystal, which absorbs negative energy. Selenite is extremely powerful and also promotes a cooling and calm energy. Position the crystal by grabbing it as you would a hairbrush, and picture your aura as extended hair. Start from above the head and brush down to your feet, holding your crystal a few inches off the body.
Did you know: Baby auras normally have a diameter of 15 centimeters around the body? As children grow, they may add a different color to their auras. Also, most grown-ups have an aura of about 2 feet (60 cm) around the body. Some more spiritually-elevated or strong personalities have auras that extend to 5-6 feet (1.5 meters) wide.


Some people think that auras don’t exist, and they don’t even want to try and see them. Others believe that you have to be an old soul to see and sense the aura. Nevertheless, many researchers believe that auras are real and factual. It may be well worth a try to see your aura with your own eyes.


What does a clear aura mean?

If you encountered a person with a negative aura, there are big chances some of the negativity rubbed off on you too. But if you use our tips on how to cleanse your aura (with a Himalayan salt bath, selenite crystals, meditation, or dried sage), you can have a clear aura again.

What does a blue aura mean?

Different shades of blue in your aura can represent various things. In general, blue is related to communication and expression. For example, turquoise indicates trust in knowledge and truly knowing yourself. A sky blue aura is considered a very creative aura.

What does the color of your aura mean?

Red, yellow, orange, and green represent the level of earthly daily living, while blue, indigo, and violet reflect the higher spiritual levels. There are different interpretations according to each different color. If you ask yourself what color is my aura, note that the hues move from red, which is nearest to the body and well-defined, to violet, which is the seventh outermost layer that integrates with the white and gold of the cosmos.


I've loved writing since I can remember, and back in high school, I started loving psychology as well. So I majored in it while dabbling in spirituality and yoga on the side.

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