How to Get Baby to Sleep in Crib [Guide for 2024]


Are you a parent who wonders how to get your baby to sleep in a crib? If so, you’re not alone. The good news is that there are some things that you can do to help your baby get used to sleeping in a crib.

In this blog post, we’ll discuss the reasons why babies may not want to nap in a crib, and offer some tips on how to make the transition easier for both you and your child.

7 Reasons Why Your Baby Won’t Sleep in the Crib

Before we get into the tips, let’s understand why your baby may be having a difficult time sleeping in the crib.

  • For a Newborn, Sleeping in the Crib Is a Huge Change

Caring for a newborn is different from caring for an older baby. As newborns have spent the last nine months snuggled in the womb, it’s no wonder your baby may be reluctant to rest in a crib at first, given how difficult it is for them to adjust to the new surroundings of the crib at the newborn stage.

  • Babies and Toddlers Have Preferences

Just like adults, babies or toddlers have their own preferences when it comes to sleeping arrangements. If your child is used to sleeping in a co-sleeper or bassinet, they may not want to sleep in a crib. Moreover, babies get used to sleeping in their arms, and the crib is no match for the warmth of a parent.

  • The Mattress Is Not Comfortable

The bedding also plays a very important role in your baby’s sleep. It should be comfortable for the baby, especially if they’re just getting used to it. It’s important for parents to invest in a good crib mattress so that their baby can sleep calmly.

  • Room Environment

The room where the crib is located may also play a role in why your baby doesn’t want to sleep there. If your baby’s room is too bright, too loud, or too cold, your child may not feel comfortable sleeping there. You should also place a baby monitor if the crib is in a separate room so you can check on your baby.

  • Teething Pain

Another reason why your baby refuses to sleep in a crib may be that they’re teething, which can cause soreness and pain, making your older baby wake up more often during the night.

  • Changing Nighttime Routines

If you’ve recently changed your baby’s nighttime routine, this can affect their sleeping. For example, if you’ve started giving your child a bath before bed, they may not want to sleep in the crib because they now associate it with getting out of the warm bath.

  • Change in Timings

Babies and toddlers thrive on routine, so changes in their daily routine can often lead to disrupted sleep. If you’ve recently changed their sleeping schedule, it can be difficult for them to sleep soundly.

How to Get a Baby to Sleep in a Crib

Here are a few ways you can get your baby or toddler to sleep soundly in the crib and avoid baby fuss.

1. Set up the Crib in Your Room

If your baby is used to sleeping in your room, try setting up the crib next to your bed to help them feel more comfortable and safe in the new environment.

2. Make the Crib a Safe Sleeping Space

Make sure that the crib is the safest place for sleeping your child. Remove any pillows, blankets, stuffed animals, or other objects that could pose a risk of suffocation, and use crib soothers, vibrating mattress pads, and comfortable bedding to make the crib more welcoming.

3. Swaddle or Sack

Another way to get your baby to sleep in the crib is to swaddle them or use a sleep sack, as many babies feel more comfortable sleeping that way. If your baby is resistant to sleeping in the crib, try wrapping them in a light blanket.

4. Lighting

Make sure that the room is dimly lit when it’s time for your baby to go to bed since a dark room will cue your child’s body that it’s time to sleep. Consider getting blackout curtains for the room to help with daytime naps.

5. Dress

A comfortable sleeping dress can help the baby sleep in the crib, so avoid dressing your child in clothes that are too tight or constricting, or not suitable for the temperature. When choosing the right baby wrap or sleepsuit, make sure it doesn’t have any loose strings either.

6. Temperature

Another thing to pay attention to is the temperature of the room—make sure it’s not too cold or too warm. The ideal temperature should be between 68 to 72 degrees Fahrenheit.

7. Hunger

Fast-growing babies require a lot of food to fuel their growth and, let’s be honest, nobody really sleeps well hungry, whether it’s a baby or an adult. So, make sure your baby is well-fed before getting the baby to sleep in a crib.

8. Noise

Just like adults, babies hate noise when they’re sleeping, and it can make them more anxious if they’ve just started sleeping separately, so make sure you keep the noise to a minimum.

9. Smell

Babies are more likely to sleep in their cribs when they can smell their parents. You can try sleeping with their bedding to give it your scent so that your toddler or newborn can find comfort in its familiarity.

10. Bedtime Routine

The most important thing you can do to get your newborn to sleep in a crib is to establish a bedtime routine as a part of sleep training methods. This will cue your child’s body that it’s time to sleep, and eventually, your baby will get in the habit of falling asleep as soon as they’re put in a crib!

11. Don’t Use the Crib as a Punishment or for Time Out

The crib should be a comfortable and warm place for your baby, so don’t use it as a place of punishment or for time out, as this will only make your child less likely to want to rest in the crib.

12. Consider What They Like—Maybe Motion or Sound

Now that we’ve discussed several tips for getting a baby to sleep in a crib, the most important one is learning your baby’s preferred slumber habits. Some babies may prefer motion, so you can try holding your baby to sleep, while others respond better to sounds.

Did You Know: Consumer Product Safety Commission regularly updates crib safety tips. When you’re buying or arranging a crib, make sure you pay attention to them to keep your baby safe.

At What Age Should Babies Stop Sleeping in a Crib?

Newborn moms often wonder this, but there’s no one answer to this question, as every baby is different. By the time you finally get your baby to sleep in a crib, they may become old enough to start sleeping in bed—it’s all a part of parenting!

Although most babies stop sleeping in the crib between 12 and 18 months old, some may continue to sleep in their cribs until they’re two or three years old, while others may start sleeping in a bed sooner than that.

While dealing with a newborn or a toddler, it’s important to listen to what your child is telling you. If they seem uncomfortable in the crib or are trying to climb out, it may be time to make the switch to a bed. You know your child best, so trust your instincts when it comes to making this decision.

Key Takeaways

Getting an infant to sleep in a crib is a huge task for parents, especially if your baby is just getting used to sleeping alone.
Changes in nighttime routine or in timings can also affect your baby’s sleep quality.
To get your baby to sleep peacefully, you can install the crib in your room, and make sure the bedding and the room conditions are comfortable.
It is also advised to feed your baby before putting them to bed and establish a bedtime routine.


To train a baby to sleep in a crib, make sure the environment of the crib is comfortable and safe, and choose comfortable bedding and sleeping clothes for your baby. Teething pain, noises, and changes in bedtime routines can impact your baby’s sleep.

Although many parents like to put the crib in their room at first and swaddle the baby to sleep, remember that every baby is different, so it may take a little time and patience before you find what works best for your child to sleep through the night in the crib.


When do babies sleep in crib?

Babies can start sleeping through the night in a crib when they’re 4 to 6 months old, and continue sleeping there till they’re about 12 to 18 months old.

Can twin babies sleep in the same crib?

Yes, newborn twins can sleep in the same crib, but you can put a crib divider as they grow up a bit to prevent them from bumping into each other.

Can a newborn sleep in a crib?

Yes, you should know how to get the baby to sleep in a crib and make sure the environment is comfortable and secure for the baby to sleep calmly.



I've loved writing since I can remember, and back in high school, I started loving psychology as well. So I majored in it while dabbling in spirituality and yoga on the side.

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